AU WCL ofrece becas para estudiantes de la FCJE-UFRO

La American University Washington College of Law (AU WCL) ofrece dos becas dirigidas a estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de La Frontera para participar en cursos cortos internacionales que se realizarán en Ginebra, Suiza, durante los meses de junio y julio del presente año, y que se desarrollan junto con la OMC (WTO) y la OMPI (WIPO).

Los cursos en los que pueden participar los estudiantes interesados son:
International Rule Making and Dispute Settlement – WTO, WIPO and the Multilateral System
June 9 – June 22, 2019
More details

Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law: Current Challenges & International Labor Organization: Decent Work Agenda
June 23 – July 13, 2019
More details

Los interesados deben cumplir con los siguientes requisitos:
– Regular students of FCJE-UFRO
– Completion of at least 4 semesters of study prior to application
– Certificate of “Suficiencia de Inglés” (CODI-UFRO)

Proceso de Postulación:
Stage I consists of submitting the following documentation by e-mail to the address :
1. Motivation letter (in English)
2. CV (in English)
3. Budget (in Spanish) which must include health and travel insurance costs
Deadline: 15th of April by 17:30 hrs.

Stage II consists of an interview (in English).
Date and venue: 16th of April, between 14:30 and 16:30 hrs. at the FCJE-UFRO (room TBC).

It is recommended that students analyze the course programs (links below) and discuss with their respective Program Directors (Director/a de Carrera), which of the following courses will be the best investment of their time, effort and money, as pertaining to their individual study process (avance en el plan de estudios) and the profile of their program (perfil de egreso).


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